Easing the screening of diabetes through the voice, a goal that unites people around Colive Voice
Our project continues to expand internationally with the launch of a new partnership.

According to the WHO, Africa is the continent with the largest number of people who do not know their diabetes status. It is estimated that 70% of people with diabetes in Africa are unaware that they have the disease. Even once diagnosed, patients face many obstacles in accessing treatment and proper medical follow-up.
Our new partner, Santé Diabète NGO has joined the Colive Voice project and will serve as a relay to raise awareness of our initiative in Mali. Working since 2001 to improve prevention and access to diabetes care throughout the country, the association also supports innovative research projects on this disease.
Santé Diabète manages many actions every day in order to implement better prevention and improve the care of patients with diabetes. Facilitating access to care and reducing the costs of treatment for this chronic disease are among the association’s top priorities.
Thanks to the support of this new partner, as many people as possible living with diabetes will be included in the study, which will allow us to identify vocal biomarkers relevant for screening and monitoring the symptoms of this disease. The project researchers prioritize the inclusion of profiles speaking various languages with distinctive accents in order to provide the most representative and accurate results possible.
The identification of vocal biomarkers for diabetes will facilitate the screening by making it possible to establish a diagnosis with a few samples of the patient’s voice. This would represent a significant advance in the monitoring of this disease. New voice-based telehealth tools should be developed to provide easier and cheaper access to health care, helping thousands of patients across the globe.
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