
Participants Words

In an effort to improve patients’ quality of life, researchers want to develop tools that are less invasive, more personalized and that allow for a continuous interaction with their doctors.

Colive Voice aims to improve the screening and monitoring of chronic diseases using voice.

With its multiple benefits, voice-based monitoring will likely facilitate the daily life of millions of patients around the world.

Learn what our participants have to say about Colive Voice through their inspiring stories and motivation to support medical research

We sincerely appreciate the wonderful things our participants have to say about us! We hope these videos will inspire others to donate their voice.

If you want to share your experience, don’t hesitate to contact us!


French, 44 years old

Everyone can be confronted with cancer, we are not prepared for that. It is only together, finally by participating in all these studies that we can improve things…


English, 28 years old

You know that you’re contributing to help support science and research…and that is absolutely vital in terms of healthcare


German, 67 years old

I remembered that when I had COVID-19, my voice was also different. I spoke very slowly and very differently.

Support Colive Voice by donating your voice