The NGO Diabète Santé supports the Colive Voice project
Santé Diabète is a non governmental organization founded in 2001 to respond to the lack of access to healthcare for people with diabetes in Africa and the non-recognition of this health emergency by development actors.
The organization launched its first actions in Mali, then developed in Burkina-Faso, and the Union of Comoros, with permanent teams in each country.
With a team of 40 people and more than 200 local and international partners, Santé Diabète acts every day in the field to save lives through better prevention and to improve the quality of life of people suffering from this chronic disease.
The NGO focuses its intervention on a global approach including all the necessary axes for the implementation of a prevention and a quality management of diabetes.
The main mission of Santé Diabète is to improve the quality and accessibility of health care, by facilitating geographical access and reducing the costs of treatment. The organization is equally involved in education and prevention actions to reduce the burden of diabetes-related complications and in research to support the development of innovative approaches to monitor diabetes.
Santé Diabète has already educated 9 220 students on diabetes-related issues, supported the screening of 70 500 people at risk and helped 25 000 people (type 2 diabetes) manage their disease, and participated in the training of 1 840 health professionals.
Check out a video of the Santé Diabète team in Mali
Actions put in place for supporting Colive Voice
Santé Diabète is an important partner of the Colive Voice study, helping us in the recruitment of patients with diabetes in Africa.
Our partner contributes to making the project known in Mali through different communication actions such as a press release, messages on social media channels, and visibility on their website.
Our partner managed several recruitment actions in order to include Malian patients with diabetes in the project, by encouraging patients under the care of the association to participate in the study.
Colive Voice is an international study that aims to identify vocal biomarkers through artificial intelligence to improve and simplify the regular monitoring of chronic diseases such as diabetes. It is extremely important for us to involve our partners in Mali in such an innovative international project. It is also an opportunity for Africa to acquire new methods to detect and monitor diabetes that are easier to deploy and less costly.
commented Pr. Stéphane Besançon, CEO NGO Santé Diabète and Associate professor in global health at the CNAM (Paris)

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